Charlotte Thomas' Writing Den

Charlotte Thomas’ Writing Den

Hi! Welcome to my Writing Den.

Here you will find a blog about my novel Galactic Consequences and other short stories I wrote such as A Witchy Best Friend you can find my ScribbleHub Profile where my novels are published.

Galactic Consequences (GC)

GC is my main story, it’s still in the writing phase (of my first draft) so it won’t appear on the shelves just yet but it will! The PDF/Web Novel will be free to read on ScribbleHub.

You can read the blog for updates on GC!

A Witchy Best Friend

AWB is a short story I wrote years ago, it is rough, but sweet enough to be maintained. You can find it on ScribbleHub

You can find the files here. But stick around a while longer and see about the 2024 version!

A Witchy Best Friend 2024

I rewrote AWB. It will be uploaded to ScribbleHub over the coming days, but you already access all relevant files here

The rewriting is much better than the original. I am a better writer than when I uploaded the first one, but the original will stay up for the nostalgia of a beginner :).

Do give a try on Scribble, download the epub or PDF (I put a lot of love into the Typst template of the PDF so try it too!) and even the source file (for.. whatever reasons but hey it is open source so you do what ever you want)

Support me

If you fancy supporting me, first thank you very much, second, I am not a full time writer, my day job is in IT. So consider giving the money to a struggling writer. If you really fancy supporting me though you can buy the e-book (starting at €5, with an optional donation) on my Ko-Fi Shop or on itch once it will be done.

If you really want to support my work, five copies of GC will be sold at €50 each. You will find it on the Ko-Fi shop, when available.

Most of the profits generated by the book will be used to commission artists for amazing artworks!


This website uses the Monaspace Neon font. This site’s source code is available on GitHub. All content on the site is available under MIT, Apache-2.0, or CC BY 4.0.

About Me

I am using she/they pronouns and feminine accords.

You can find my website here, this is only the write log

You can find me there: